Pacific Association Collections - PAC
Instructions to Board of Directors - Liens
Authorization to Record a Lien
In order for PAC to record a lien, a majority of the Association's Board of Directors must vote and approve the recording of the Lien against an Owner's property at a duly held open meeting of the Board of Directors and record the votes of such decision in the minutes of such meeting as required by California law. Your Association must provide written confirmation that such a vote took place and the results of said vote by providing us with a copy of the Resolution and Minutes of the board meeting where the vote was taken. No Lien can or will be recorded until confirmation of the Lien Resolution and Minutes has been received by PAC. Please refer to the Lien Resolution and Minutes form.
Upon receipt of a demand from an Owner, or such Owner's agent by the Association, for your Association to participate in Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR), or Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), you must notify us in writing no later than two (2) business days after the request for IDR or ADR is received. If no demand for IDR or ADR is made, the Association must confirm in writing that no demand has been made prior to the recordation of a Lien, or that any IDR or ADR request has been complied with by the Association.
Initiation of Foreclosure: $1,800 or 12-Months Delinquent
PAC may not initiate a foreclosure sale until an Owner's delinquent assessments are in an amount of One Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($1,800) or more, (not including any accelerated assessments, late charges, fees and costs of collection , attorney fees, or interest): or has been delinquent for more than twelve (12) months. The required acceptance of partial payments can and will affect the dates upon which a foreclosure sale can occur.
Authorization to Commence Foreclosure: Board Resolution to Initiate Foreclosure
A decision to initiate the foreclosure of a Lien must be made by a majority vote of the Association's Board of Directors in an executive session meeting, and the Board of Directors must record the votes in the minutes of the next open meeting of the Board of Directors. Thereafter, the Association shall notify PAC in writing of its decision to initiate a foreclosure of the Lien and provide a copy of the Board Resolution to Initiate a Foreclosure and copy of the minutes wherein the resolution and vote was recorded. Please refer to the Foreclosure Resolution and Minutes form.
Pacific Association Collections